Friday, January 7, 2011

A picture perfect mother

A few days ago I ran to Target at 9:00 after having gotten Jake off to school successfully.  I needed to pick up a couple of things for the house and for dinner that night.  I wasn't planning on being there long and had not really considered the fact that the extent of my beauty regimen that morning had been to brush my teeth. 

And there she was, the seemingly perfect mother.  Her hair curled, makeup applied, clothes ironed, pushing her very precious son in the cart.  I must admit that I felt less than adequate in my faded yoga pants and old high school t-shirt.  That's right, I was wearing a shirt that was over 12 years old.  A shirt for the cross-country team.  The only time I ran in high school was in an attempt to get to 1st period before the 2nd period bell rang.  I have no idea how I came to own such a shirt.   

Sometimes I wish I was more like that woman.  I wish that I took the time to blow dry my hair everyday instead of pulling it up in a ponytail after a quick rub with a towel.  I wish I was embarrassed to go outside without my makeup on.  I cannot remember a single time that my own mom has ever looked less than perfect when out in public.  I am sure my husband would appreciate it if I spent a few more minutes on myself although he is far too sweet to ever admit that to me.

So this is my resolution for the year.  I will take the time to make sure I look presentable when I leave the house.  My kids will not have to be embarrassed to be seen with me, well at least not because of the way I am dressed.  Joel will no longer come home to a wife that looks the exact same as she did when he left her that morning.  Of course this really only means that my yoga pants will no longer be faded.  That woman was crazy in her heels at 9 am.

I am just glad no one could see that Blake was still in his PJ's... 

1 comment:

  1. love it!
    girl! you be who you are!!! no need to get all fussied up.

    throw on a baseball cap and just go.
    that's what i do ;)
